Piercy Creek Trib 1 Restoration
Restoration Design, Implementation and Environmental Monitoring
This is a multi-phased project aimed at improving fish habitat within Tributary 1 of the Piercy Creek Watershed in the City of Courtenay. Tributary 1 is one of only two perennial streams in the entire Piercy Basin. Prior to this project, Tributary 1 was a straight agricultural ditch with no pool or refuge habitat for salmonids. As well, fish access to this watercourse was limited by a steep 1.6 m drop into Piercy Creek mainstem. Phase 1, completed in 2015, involved the construction of a 145 m-long bypass channel around the barrier. The new channel featured six rock riffles, spawning gravels, and over 24 pieces on ballasted large woody debris to provide rearing and spawning habitat for salmon.
Phase 2, completed in 2022, involved the construction of two sections of meandering pool-riffle channel through forested areas on the Slomp Farm. These two channels, with a total combined length of 230 m, provide outstanding salmonid rearing and spawning habitat. Extensive riparian restoration works were also completed along the length of the new channel reaches. This project was a result of the tremendous support of the landowners Jan and Marion Slomp.
Phase 3 is set for construction in the summer of 2024. This phase will continue the work completed in Phase 2 – the adjacent landowner has been inspired to participate in the project by generously donating a portion of farmland for the construction of a similarly complexed ~ 250 m channel that will provide much needed, much improved salmon habitat in this channelized watercourse.
This project has been supported through the generous contributions of the Pacific Salmon Foundation, Page-Ngan Fund, Millard/Piercy Watershed Stewards, and the Slomp family.